Tag Wow Economy

John Barrymore March 31, 2024 5 minutes
In this edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up, we celebrate a player who reached 100 million gold and shares their strategies for earning such a massive amount. We also look ahead to gold-making opportunities in Cataclysm Classic and explore the changes to Speed Sets in patch 10.2.6. Plus, we discuss ways to make gold in retail without Dragonflight and highlight some interesting rotating respawn farms.
John Barrymore March 17, 2024 5 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses the potential developments in bot technology and its impact on the economy in WoW. They explore the use of AI in gaming and how it may lead to undetectable bots that mimic human behavior. The post also touches on the role of TradeSkillMaster (TSM) in both Retail and Classic WoW, as well as the profitability of fishing as a gold-making method.
John Barrymore March 10, 2024 4 minutes
In this blog post, the author explores the concept of Auction House Cartels and whether they exist in the WoW economy. They discuss the effects of the Region Wide Auction House and provide insights into rare spawn and instance farms, along with suggestions for addons to enhance gameplay. Additionally, the post offers tips for outdoor world farms in the Season of Discovery.
John Barrymore February 18, 2024 4 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses the recent WoW Token bug in the EU region that temporarily prevented users from converting Tokens into Battlenet balance. They explore the implications of a world without Battlenet balance and how it would affect the world of gold making. Additionally, the post provides insights into profiting from Waylaid Supplies in Season of Discovery and shares helpful TSM operations and strings for gold making.
John Barrymore February 11, 2024 4 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses the option of buying WoW Tokens as a means to acquire gold in the game. They explore the differences between players and gold makers, as well as the various methods and choices one can make to earn gold. Additionally, they introduce a tool called Azeroth Auction Assassin, which helps players find the best deals on the Auction House across all realms and game modes.
John Barrymore January 28, 2024 3 minutes
In this blog post, the author explores the profitability of professions in the Dragonflight expansion of World of Warcraft. They share their personal experiences and frustrations with crafting and the work order system, and discuss the importance of customer service in making gold. The post also provides tips for beginners looking to make gold, such as running old content, leveling various professions, and participating in specific World Quests.
John Barrymore January 21, 2024 9 minutes
This blog post discusses two main topics: the use of spare Artisan's Mettle in various crafting professions to increase profits, and the opportunity to make gold through transmog and cosmetic markets. It also provides tips and suggestions for making gold without relying on the Dragonflight activity.
John Barrymore November 26, 2023 3 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses different strategies for earning gold in the Classic Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft. They cover techniques such as skinning, enchanting, tailoring, and leatherworking for making early gold. The post also explores the soaring prices of certain items like the Obsidian Cobraskin and Centaur's Trophy Necklace in the game's latest patch, as well as the impact of racial abilities on professions.
John Barrymore October 29, 2023 5 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses the new shipment quests coming in patch 10.2 of World of Warcraft. These quests require players to turn in large quantities of materials for various rewards. The author also explores the idea of setting up alt armies and factories of workers to optimize gold-making opportunities in the game.
John Barrymore October 22, 2023 9 minutes
In this blog post, the writer covers various topics related to the World of Warcraft economy. They discuss a helpful website for tracking progress with alts, speculate on investing in materials, share an interview with a gold maker, and provide a guide on skinning farms in Classic Hardcore. It's a comprehensive post for players interested in maximizing their gold-making potential.
John Barrymore October 15, 2023 3 minutes
This blog post covers various topics related to gold making in World of Warcraft. It includes information on upcoming changes to professions in patch 10.2, a guide on flipping epic gear in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, and tips on selling speed sets and engineering items. The post provides valuable insights and strategies for making gold in the game.
John Barrymore October 01, 2023 4 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses whether it's too late to get started in professions in the Dragonflight expansion of World of Warcraft. They provide insights on how to use Craftsim to find profitable items and the changing landscape of gold making. They also address the question of how to make enough gold to buy the expansion without Dragonflight.
John Barrymore September 10, 2023 4 minutes
In this blog post, the author discusses the topic of gathering professions in World of Warcraft and whether they are worth the time and effort. They explore the limitations and flaws of the current system and suggest potential changes for future expansions. The post also delves into the issue of expensive rare items in Classic Hardcore and compares the ease of farming gold for WoW Tokens in Wrath of the Lich King versus the retail version of the game.